Turf Suppliers – how to find one

Since there is a wide range of options to choose from, it is strongly advised that you reach out to turf suppliers for instance if you are looking for the best golf turf. Consulting turf suppliers is very important mainly because it serves as a guarantee to be pointed in the right direction as far…

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How to use Lawn Turf the Right Way

It is fascinating to see how lawn turf can be used in an extensive variety of different spaces. This kind of surface can be added onto any spot where a fine decorative grass surface is needed. This surface should be taken care of with ease to ensure that nothing wrong is going to come out…

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Design and landscape your own garden

Creating your own bespoke garden design and carrying out the resulting landscaping can be a very rewarding experience and provide a real sense of pride in the finished scheme. As the cost of having a designer and landscaper to work on your garden is high it is certainly worth trying to have a go yourself.…

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Should you hire a landscaper or do it yourself?

If you really want to give your garden a makeover then you may want to consider hiring a gardener or a landscaper. They will be able to advise you on what different sorts of plants and shrubs you have in your garden and cut them back the correct way to encourage new growth. If you…

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Landscaping a Steep Garden

Gardens that are set on a slope or hill can be more difficult to landscape. However, they also give you more options and challenges, which can be really rewarding for someone who likes gardening. If you want some inspiration for a sloped garden, here are our top tips:   1. Create a tiered garden. Make…

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Install Double Garden Gates To Secure Garden and Property

If you are talking about a commercial garden, there is a tremendous need to have Double Garden Gates installed that complement the overall fencing solution well. Gates have always been of paramount importance where they serve in deciding the value and magnificence of your property, and in providing better security. Various Garden Gates of different style…

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Two Landscaping Mistakes To Avoid This Winter

With leaves already starting to shed as cooler winds swirl around and make room for a colder season. Here are a couple of winter landscaping preparation mistakes every homeowner should avoid this season. Forgetting to water plants – Hedges, fruit trees and shrubs all need water during colder winter months. It outside has tolerable temperatures…

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Hiring a gardener

If you are looking to hire a gardener, you will probably be confused as to how much you are expected to pay or want to pay and what sort of tasks they should undertake.   If you have a relatively simple garden which mainly needs regular mowing during the warmer months of the year plus…

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Finding a landscaper

If you are struggling to find the time to keep on top of your garden you may consider hiring a landscaper. Many people offer this service along with larger companies. They will usually offer a one off service where they come and give you garden a complete over haul; cutting the grass, weeding and cutting…

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Are Retractable Awnings Worth It?

Patios and decks are popular gathering places, but it is not enjoyable to stay outdoors if it is very sunny or rainy. In order to get more use of your patio or deck, you can install a retractable awning on these areas. Retractable awnings or overhangs shade doors, windows, decks and patios just like stationary…

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