Growing Bearded Iris – What you Need to Know

The Bearded Iris is a very easy flower to grow – as long as you know how. It will flower in the spring time and is available in many different colours. It has been said that anybody can grow Irises once they know how to. Here are some top tips for beautiful blooms:


• Prepare beds with fertiliser and make sure the pH level is neutral. This is how Irises will thrive.
• Plan bulbs around 16-18 inches apart. The Iris needs plenty of room for air circulation so cannot be planted any closer than this.
• Don’t us mulch in the soil. This will make it too wet, which is not good for Irises.
• Remove seed pods. You don’t want them to fall into the soil and begin to grow too close to the other flowers.
• Plant them towards the end of summer. They will need to be in a spot with plenty of sunlight.

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