Tips for your new garden

When you move into a new property that has a garden in wintertime it is important not to rush into remodelling the outdoor space straight away but rather just tidy it and then wait to see which plants surface throughout the year. Take the opportunity to observe which areas of the garden are in sun and shade as this will help you to decide where to put specific plants in the future. For instance, if there is an area that is mostly in the shade think about using this area for a pond surrounded by pond plants and ferns that will grow well in shady places.

If there are trees in the garden then it is a good idea to get an expert in to check their health especially if they are tall. Some trees have protection orders on them meaning that council permission must be sought to take them down or even to prune them so they should be assessed to see whether they need pruning back.

If there is already a vegetable patch in the new garden, digging it over and enriching the soil with a good quality fertiliser will ensure that it is ready for planting in the spring.

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