Preparing Hanging Baskets

A display of hanging baskets filled with Summer flowering blooms can add interest and an extra splash of colour to your garden. However, in order to successfully grow plants in hanging baskets, it is worth spending time on preparation beforehand.


  1. 1. Line the inside of your basket with a coconut fibre liner.
    2. Next, place a layer of plastic on top of the fibre, cutting the plastic around the rim so that it is not visible. This will help your basket to retain   water for longer.
    3. Prepare the compost by mixing multi-purpose potting compost with water retaining gel and some slow-release fertiliser granules.
    4. Fill the bottom of the basket with compost to a depth of about an inch (2.5cm)
    5. Make 2 or 3 cuts through the bin liner and the coconut fibre, just above the soil level and into the sides of the basket.
    6. Choose plants for the sides of the basket and, from the inside, carefully push them through the holes.
    7. Add more compost, firming the soil around the plants that have just been planted. Keep adding compost until the basket is about 2/3 full.
    8. Plant another layer of plants in the same manner as the first lot, making cuts in the side of the basket.
    9. Fill the basket with compost up to an inch (2.5cm) below the top/rim of the basket and finish by planting the top of the basket. Make sure you water generously.

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