Chores to tackle in the garden during March

If the weather is dry, then this is the month to mow your lawn for the first time. Make sure you set the mower blades high for this first cut of the year. For lawns that have suffered with poor drainage over the Winter, spike with a garden fork and brush sandy compost into the holes.

Finish pruning any established roses that you have growing in your garden.

You can divide and move perennials into new positions. Fertilise perennial beds and apply a thick mulch.

By the end of the month, you should be able to sow hardy annuals outside. Half-hardy annuals should be sown under glass.

From mid-March onwards, plant gladioli. At the very end of the month, you can plant acidantheras. Divide snowdrops. If you have lilies growing in your beds, then you will need to protect any young shoots from frost. Remove dead and straggly leaves from bearded irises and apply fertiliser.

Mulch fruit trees and fruit bushes in order to keep surrounding soil moist and free from weeds.

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